Why AV/Tech Jobs Are Critical To Your Church Staff

By: Vanderbloemen
The Rising Importance Of AV/Tech Roles
As you may have heard, we just launched our new sister company, ChristianTeams, which focuses solely on finding non-executive roles for Christian organizations. The pandemic accelerated our process for launching this company, as we have seen the “big C” Church’s ever-increasing need to fill support roles at this time. Specifically, we have been hearing churches’ need to fill AV/Tech roles at a higher capacity than ever before.
According to a recent survey we conducted, 56% of churches across the US were not set up for online worship prior to the pandemic and were forced to pivot quickly in order to reach their communities. Today, a majority of these churches are streaming online with no intention of stopping. You can see why this shift to online platforms has created an unprecedented need for AV/Tech roles. In order to provide churches with the best candidates for these new AV/Tech jobs, we are partnering with Armando Fullwood and his teams at Dive. Armando has known for years that this was a need for churches, and now we’ve found the solution. William Vanderbloemen, our Founder & CEO, sat down with Armando to celebrate and discuss the benefit this new partnership will bring to Christian organizations.
What is ChristianTeams?
ChristianTeams is our new sister company that seeks to staff support level roles at Christian organizations, including churches, nonprofits, Christian schools, and values based-businesses. These support roles are vital to an organization’s growth and development, and we are excited to now be able to help fill these essential positions.
Because ChristianTeams is powered by Vanderbloemen, we’re resourced with the largest Christian candidate database, the most in-depth compensation and benefits information, and a team with more experience than anyone else serving churches and ministries.
Who is Armando Fullwood?
Armando Fullwood and his team serve churches by aligning the story of the church with the staff, processes, and systems of the church. Armando brings 35+ years of church tech experience, and his companies have served 1,000+ churches. Armando fully believes that successfully filling an AV/Tech role relies on more than just a strong candidate - it relies on having a good culture fit.
At Vanderbloemen, we’ve also learned how critical it is for potential hires to not only have a certain skill-set, but also align with the values and culture of the organization for a successful experience on both ends of the hire.With unemployment at an all-time high, getting applicants isn’t the challenge. Getting the right applicants and finding time to screen for culture-fit, theology, and qualifications is the challenge. Phone interview after phone interview with candidates that look good on paper but don’t match your needs is frustrating and a waste of time. Addressing this issue is the heart of our new partnership with Armando.
How does this benefit Christian organizations?
We’ve heard hundreds of stories this year from Christian leaders about how the shift to online activity has increased the amount of relationships and service opportunities available. While many churches are back to worshiping in person, almost all will continue to take advantage of the opportunity to do more with their online presence.
There is no better time to hire for AV/Tech positions and reach those seeking Christ online in the midst of uncertainty. We believe this partnership will allow us to serve churches in their mission to share the gospel with new people in new ways. Vanderbloemen’s 10+ years of search experience, combined with Armando’s experience working with 1000+ churches and a pool of outstanding AV/Tech candidates, provides a top-notch solution to help churches like yours find the best candidates for your AV/tech needs. Furthermore, this partnership will ensure that churches are able to go further and faster with the gospel as they use online platforms in new ways.
We are ready to help you fill the critical support level roles within your organization. Please reach out to us if we can be of help to you as you are seeking to fill new positions at your organization.