William Vanderbloemen Featured In Outreach Magazine

Written by William Vanderbloemen | Jul 2, 2019 12:31:30 AM

CEO and Founder of Vanderbloemen, William Vanderbloemen, discusses why thinking globally as a church is so important in an Outreach Magazine article.

Churches are in a unique position to give a clear, resounding, echoing voice to work that matters for the kingdom. In this generation, spurred on by millennials who are cause-driven, churches with an external focus have taken their mission from “know God and love people” to “know God, love people and bring that news to the nations—scattered across the world, bringing the hope of Christ to those who haven’t heard yet.”

Thinking globally as a church is incredibly important. The state of the world today presents Christians with challenging issues: human trafficking, the persecuted church, refugee and immigration crises. But many churches don’t know where to start having a real impact on these global issues.

My challenge: If you want to be a global church, find a way to bring your global mindset into a local mission focus. Then do the mission you choose with excellence.