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How To Shift Your Perspective Of Discipleship with Daniel Im [Podcast].jpg

The Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast brings you interviews from leaders across the theological spectrum of the global Church. Our goal is to bring you thought-provoking interviews that encourage you, challenge you, and help you build, run, and keep great teams.

In today’s episode of the Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast, Holly talks with Daniel Im, Teaching Pastor at The Fellowship in Nashville, TN, and Founding Director of at Lifeway Christian Resources.

Daniel Im is the Founder and Director of Church Multiplication for at LifeWay Christian Resources. He also serves as a Teaching Pastor at The Fellowship, a multisite church in Nashville.
Daniel has an M.A. in Global Leadership and has served and pastored in church plants and multisite churches ranging from 100 people to 50,000 people in Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal, Korea, Edmonton, and Nashville. He has written two books, his latest being No Silver Bullets: Five Small Shifts that will Transform Your Ministry

Daniel talks with Holly about:

  • Why church leaders need to change their definition of discipleship
  • The biblical view of discipleship
  • Shifting from a ‘destination’ to ‘direction’ mindset
  • Small, practical shifts to give a longer-lasting impact 
  • Taking the first step in making discipleship effective at your church


Daniel Im Vandercast.png 

Daniel Im

Guest Links: Daniel Im

Links mentioned in this episode:

Quotes from Daniel: 

We tend to think of discipleship through a destination mindset.Tweet: We tend to think of discipleship through a destination mindset. @DanielSangi via @VanderbloemenSG #Vandercast

We are all being discipled by our culture. Tweet: We are all being discipled by our culture. @DanielSangi via @VanderbloemenSG #Vandercast

The people that you look up to hold the greatest power to shape you.Tweet: The people that you look up to hold the greatest power to shape you. @DanielSangi via @VanderbloemenSG #Vandercast

We lead the way that we’ve been lead, and we teach the way we’ve been taught.Tweet: We lead the way that we've been lead, and we teach the way we've been taught. @DanielSangi via @VanderbloemenSG #Vandercast


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