The Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast brings you interviews from leaders across the theological spectrum of the global Church. Our goal is to bring you thought-provoking interviews that encourage you, challenge you, and help you build, run, and keep great teams.
In today’s episode of the Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast, Holly talks with Pastor Mark Wiltshire and Vlad Ciolan of Bromley Christian Church in Bromley, London.
Pastor Mark Wiltshire is the Lead Pastor of Bromley Christian Church (BCC) in Bromley, London. He initially worked in the corporate world for various American and British firms, until hearing God’s call to ministry in 2005. He has been serving in full-time pastoral ministry since then.
Vlad Ciolan is the New People Co-ordinator at BCC. He began as an intern for BCC in 2014 and was hired as a full-time staff member one year later. His job is to oversee the team looking after new people and visitors to the church. Vlad’s passion is to see all people worshipping God and functioning at the peak of their potential.
Mark and Vlad talk with Holly about:
- How God used Mark’s corporate background for ministry
- The political climate’s effect on reaching the community
- How churches can respond to community crises
- Best practices for measuring church growth
- How to internally develop staff members
Pastor Mark Wiltshire
Vlad Ciolan
Guest Links: Mark Wiltshire & Vlad Ciolan
Links Mentioned in this Episode
- Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
- The Purpose Driven Church: Every Church Is Big in God’s Eyes by Rick Warren
- Courageous Leadership: Field-Tested Strategy for the 360° Leader by Bill Hybels
- YouVersion Bible App
- Evernote App
Quotes from Mark & Vlad:
Churches bring stability in uncertainty.
People are drawn to authenticity.
Most people come to church because their friends invited them.
You can’t manufacture the presence of God.
Leaders are called to think where others don’t think.