4 Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Church Staff

By: Vanderbloemen
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but for church staff members, Christmas is often the most stressful time of the year. It’s not too late to take a moment to set aside some time to honor your staff for their hard work and sacrifice this year. Here are a few ideas that won’t drain the last of your year-end budget or take up much of that last minute Christmas Eve service planning time.
1) Take a Break - Slow Down
Set aside a time during the workday for a holiday warm up. Bring in coffee, hot chocolate, Christmas cookies, or any other special holiday treat to slow down and take a few minutes to connect with each other. This can be more like an open house time where people come and go. If you really want to add a special element, have live music from one of your church band members to liven the room. The dedication to the Christmas events can leave staff members isolated, so allowing space for re-connection is vital to emotional and spiritual health.
2) End of the Year Gifts
This is a great way to show your appreciation for your staff. Most church staffs are not in a position to receive end-of-year bonuses like some corporate jobs. Giving them an end-of-year gift honors not only their commitment to the vision of the church but also the sacrifices they have made during the year. Benefits don’t need to be large and cost much to be well received. While beach vacations and new cars are nice, sometimes having something extra and unexpected is a true gift for many staff. Consider gift cards to a nice restaurant in your local area, movie theatres, bookstores, or coffee shops.
3) Remember the Reason for the Season
In the midst of a long “to-do” list, call an all-staff prayer and worship time. Before your services kick off, designate an hour for a time of reflection and prayer. Allow space for quiet contemplation and reflection to focus on the true meaning behind all of the busyness. If you desire, have someone lead a short devotional, guided prayer time, or lectio divina. There are numerous readings and examples on the internet around the advent and Christmas theme.
4) Encourage One Another
One of the best ways to give a boost to your church staff is to give them a word of encouragement. Words recognize that which is often unseen. Sometimes the mere kind word of encouragement from a supervisor or co-worker can lift the spirits of someone who feels detached from an increased workload. Remember that words matter. This time of year you have more power and influence than you realize by simply speaking truth and love to those around you.
It’s not too late. Christmas services have almost begun and the final rehearsals are beginning. Don’t rush through the next week and look back on December 26th and regret not saying that kind word of encouragement or connecting with your church staff members. It’s really simple and takes less time than you think. The dividends paid are much greater in the end.
What are you doing to honor your staff and team members this year? How are you slowing down to remember the reason for the season?
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