PODCAST | How God Built This With Chris Hodges

By: Vanderbloemen
On the latest How God Built This episode of the Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast, William Vanderbloemen, our founder & CEO, talks with Chris Hodges, the founding and senior pastor of Church of the Highlands.
Since it's founding in 2001, Highlands has grown to have over 20 campuses across the state of Alabama. In 2001, Chris also co-founded ARC (Association of Related Churches) which has since launched hundreds of churches across the United States. He is also the founder and Chancellor of Highlands College, a ministry training school that trains and launches students into full-time ministry careers.
William and Chris talk about how God gave him the vision to launch Church of the Highlands after a season of depression, what they faced as a portable church in their early years, and the establishment of ARC.
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About Chris Hodges
Chris Hodges is the founding and senior pastor of Church of the Highlands. Since it began in 2001, Highlands has grown to have campuses across the state of Alabama, and we’re known for our life-giving culture and focus on leading people to an intimate relationship with God.
Pastor Chris has a deep passion for developing leaders and planting life-giving churches. He co-founded ARC (Association of Related Churches) in 2001, which has launched hundreds of churches across the United States. He also founded Grow, specializing in training and resourcing pastors and churches to help them break barriers and reach their growth potential. Chris is also the founder and Chancellor of Highlands College, a ministry training school that trains and launches students into full-time ministry careers.
Chris and his wife Tammy have five children and live in Birmingham, Alabama, where Church of the Highlands began. He speaks at conferences worldwide and is the author of Fresh Air, Four Cups, The Daniel Dilemma, and What’s Next?.
WEBSITE | Church of the Highlands
WEBSITE | ARC Churches