How Great Leadership Teams Communicate with Ryan Hartwig [Podcast]

By: Vanderbloemen
The Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast brings you interviews from leaders across the theological spectrum of the global Church. Our goal is to bring you thought-provoking interviews that encourage you, challenge you, and help you build, run, and keep great teams.
In today's episode of the Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast, William talks with Ryan Hartwig, professor of communication at Azusa Pacific University.
Dr. Ryan Hartwig is a professor, leader, speaker, author, consultant, and shepherd. He works to help others think deeply about what they are doing, why they are doing it, what they are actually accomplishing, and how they might do it better.
Currently, Ryan serves as Chair and Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Azusa Pacific University. He has been teaching courses in group, organizational, and leadership communication for over a decade, and he has led, trained, and developed teams in universities and churches for more than fifteen years.
Ryan talks with William about:
- The need to study and learn from thriving teams
- Common challenges of church leadership teams
- Why churches should consider collaborative leadership
- Telltale signs of a natural collaborative leader
- Questions to ask leaders during interviews
- The #1 characteristic in healthy and unhealthy teams
Dr. Ryan Hartwig
Guest Links: Dr. Ryan Hartwig
Links Mentioned in this Episode
- Teams That Thrive: Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership by Ryan Hartwig and Warren Bird
- The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons and Stages of Leadership Development by Robert Clinton
- Google Drive
Quotes from Ryan:
Get above the operational minutia.
There are not silver bullets in church leadership.
Church leadership is not accomplished by one person, but a group.