7 Helpful Tips For Children's Ministry Success

By: Vanderbloemen
Children's Ministry is a key component in the growth stages of development for every child walking into your church doors. From infants until youth ministry, there is an amazing opportunity to show God’s love, grace, and redemption in tangible ways through your children’s ministry.
Here are seven helpful tips for a Children’s Minister to achieve success in 2018.
1. Be as playful as the kids are.
It’s important for every minister and leader to meet all children where they are and (hopefully) with the same amount of energy they bring. Kids can be exhausting, but when they experience your effort to intentionally play with them, there is no limit to the impact that can be made from that formed relationship. Just don’t forget to get your 8 hours of sleep beforehand!
2. Affirm and encourage constantly.
One of the most influential tools we have is communication.
We cannot underestimate the power of affirmation and encouragement at all life stages, but especially in a young child. This is not only with the words we say, but also the tone and volume we choose to display. These small Sunday morning interactions can shape a child’s future, or at least the rest of the day. Your volunteers for the ministry and parents deserve the same recognition as well!
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3. Remember that Children's Ministry is not just another day of school.
It’s never enjoyable to see a child unengaged in the activities, Bible lessons and group games planned for the day. Although some kids love school, they are not looking for another day at school during the weekend. After all, that’s not exactly what the children’s ministry is intended for. Of course, you want it to be an environment where leaders teach and the kids learn about Jesus, but you also want your kids to know the difference between school and church. Meet them where they are in such a way that they cannot wait to tell their parents all about it.
4. Consistent volunteers are crucial.
In every area of ministry there is a necessity for volunteer leaders.
When it comes to children, it is highly important that these leaders embody consistency. Encourage and excite your leaders to serve faithfully, give selflessly and teach boldly. With the right equipping and encouragement, you have the power to make leading exciting for each volunteer. No matter how big or small, without consistent leaders, every ministry will suffer.
5. Engage the parents.
Did you know that parents are the number one source of influence in a child’s life? So, ask yourself, is the child seeing Jesus on a daily basis? Look first to the parents. It is a Children’s Minister’s job, and privilege, to serve families. Engage the parents with conversation and creative ways for them to begin spiritual conversations with their children. The Gospel impact will be much greater if the parents are devoted to training up the child in the way he or she should go.
6. Cooperation and organization are keys to success.
When it comes to success, there must be teamwork and consistent organization. Every leader should be on the same page and there should be clearly communicated expectations. Keep in mind that leaders can and will burn out. Be sure to cooperate with other areas of ministry. Every person needs corporate worship and small group community!
7. Pray for each child and leader by name.
If there is one thing to take away from this blog, remember that every minister should be praying for each child and leader by name. There is power in prayer and we must be expectantly waiting for God to move in hearts and around the ministry God has entrusted us.
How can you build into your children's ministry in the new year?