How To Establish (And Reinforce) Your Church Staff’s Core Values

By: Vanderbloemen
Naming and emphasizing staff values is gaining more and more popularity in the corporate arena. Especially with millennials flooding the workforce seeking jobs with purpose, smart companies are establishing their team values, making them public, and seeing awesome results.
Why are staff values so important, and why should church staffs have them as well?
Your staff values directly impact your team culture, and thus shape your church culture at large. Your values attract high-capacity leaders to your team. They permeate everything your staff does. Your team’s core values put hands and feet to the mission and vision of your church. They align and motivate your staff. I really can’t emphasize this enough: having established and enforced staff values is the difference between a good team and an exceptional team.
Here at Vanderbloemen, everything rides on our team values, and we talk about them all the time. We incorporate them into everything we do. The result? An aligned team with an infectious company culture where everyone loves coming to work every day (we even were named’s Top Company Culture for 2016 and were ranked high among the Best Places To Work in Houston!). The biggest compliment to our team values and culture is the number of high-capacity people who apply to work with us or express how much they want to join our team.
So how can your church decide, name, and reinforce their staff values? Glad you asked. Since I’ve been dubbed the Vanderbloemen team’s “Culture Whip,” I’ll walk your through our team values, how we formed them, and how we reinforce them on a regular basis. Click below to read a simple, practical, and effective guide for creating and implementing your church staff's core values.