3 R’s To Using Holiday Downtime Wisely

By: Vanderbloemen
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day can be stressful for many pastors and church leaders who are busy getting the Christmas services prepared. After the festivities of this special week die down, take some time to consider the following tips on ending 2012 well and starting 2013 in stride.
1. Reflect - Continual reflection is necessary for innovation as a church leader. Most of us are running full-speed ahead and leave little time to think back about how certain events or programs were executed. Make a list of your biggest ministry events or projects from 2012 and write down how they can improve in 2013. Physically write this list down in a notebook or journal where you can refer back to it on a regular basis. Are there certain things your entire church leadership team needs to reflect on together? Make a list of projects your church staff should talk about in the first staff meeting of 2013 so that you can tackle big projects early.
2. Recharge - Rest and rejuvenation is something that can be difficult to do over the holidays, especially as church leaders. Force yourself to rest. Your body needs recharging after your church's busy Christmas season. What brings you energy? Whether it's sleeping, exercising, reading, or getting away for a weekend, choose restful activities. You'll be a better leader if you begin 2013 full of energy.
3. Regroup - Bring your team together as 2013 approaches to regroup. Discuss strategic goals and plans with your team. Ask, "Where are we now? Where do we want to be in December 2013?" Inspirebrainstorming and ideation as your team discusses how it can best serve your church in the new year.
These are just a few ways we recommend using your last days of 2013 to prepare for a fruitful 2014 as a church leader.
What are your tips for ending the year in stride?