4 Compelling Reasons To Share With Your Congregation About Serving In Children's Ministry
By: Brian Dunks
Throughout my 22 years of pastoral work, finding volunteers for children’s ministry was a constant struggle. The Children’s Ministers that served on my staff would spend countless hours recruiting for Sunday morning gatherings, nursery, Vacation Bible School, and other programs. It was an exercise in frustration.
If people understood the impact they could have on kids and the spiritual blessings that would be present in their lives, there would be a waiting list for those wanting to serve. I believe Children’s Ministry is one of the most important areas in the church.
Here are four compelling reasons you can communicate to help you recruit your congregation to serve.
1. Children are a Priority to God
The Bible tells us that children are a blessing from God. There is no question about God’s attitude toward children. Jesus made a point to welcome children to his side and he affirmed their worth by saying to his disciples “let the little children come to me.” He even talked about punishment for anyone who would abuse a child. Kids are a priority to God. They matter to him. If God’s priorities matter to you, then you should consider serving in Children’s Ministry.
2. Generations will be Impacted
When you serve in Children’s Ministry, your efforts will be multiplied long term. When you interact with kids in a loving way and teach them the important truths of the faith, you are influencing generations to come. Children will eventually become parents who will have children who will become parents and so on. These children will also grow up to become church leaders themselves. Psalm 78 challenges the older generation to share the glorious deeds, wonders, and might of God with the younger generations. If you want to change the future of the family, then serve the children. If you want to develop future leaders of the church, then serve the children.
"If you want to change the future of the family, then serve the children. If you want to develop future leaders of the church, then serve the children." ![Tweet:](https://clicktotweet.com/img/tweet-graphic-trans.png)
3. Valuable Lessons will be Learned
Children’s Ministry can be erratic and whimsical. Kids are unpredictable. You will learn the fruit of the spirit - ” love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.” Working with kids will teach you the fine art of flexibility. The fruit of the spirit is best learned while holding a baby, kneeling on the floor with a toddler, or sitting at the table with a preschooler. You will also experience humility. Not enough people get a well-deserved applause for their service in the church and this is especially true for those serving in the Children’s Ministry. There will probably be a lack of recognition, but this can be a blessing in disguise. Like so many other acts of service done quietly, the rewards come in heaven.
"The fruit of the spirit is best learned while holding a baby, kneeling on the floor with a toddler, or sitting at the table with a preschooler." ![Tweet:](https://clicktotweet.com/img/tweet-graphic-trans.png)
4. Life Change will Occur
Powerful statistics indicate most people come to Christ for salvation when they are young. Many heard the truth of the Gospel for the first time early on in church. The early years are influential and a great opportunity to share the Gospel. Churches with thriving Children’s Ministries have recognized this and are making the most of these formative years.
Reaching children should be a top priority for every church, yet many don’t make the most of what God has given them. If you want to serve in an area where young people are coming to faith in Christ, this is the area for you.
We all want the next generation to grow into God-loving, serving adults who will, in turn, raise Godly families. There is a difference between wanting it and doing something about it. God wants everyone to find a place of service. If you love God and love his children, there may be a place for you in Children's Ministry.
Similar: 7 Helpful Tips For Children's Ministry Success
Does your Children’s Ministry struggle to find volunteers? How can you encourage people to serve with the children in your church?