Eastern Hills Bible Church Hires Executive Director of Operations

By: Vanderbloemen
What does Ring the Bell mean? At Vanderbloemen, we want to celebrate as a team every time we have the honor of helping a church, school, or organization find their perfect candidate to fill a gap in their team and further their ministry. To do that, we have a bell on the wall in our Vanderbloemen office, within hearing distance of the entire team. Every time a candidate is placed, the team members who worked on that search ring the bell so that our team can celebrate!
Ring the bell! Eastern Hills Bible Church found their new Executive Director of Operations.
Eastern Hills Bible Church began as a group of five families in 1967. Since then, the church has reached an average attendance of 1500 people with a commitment to Christ-centered biblical teaching, evangelistic outreach, generosity, and reaching young families. Eastern Hills Bible Church exists to help people become fully engaged in Christ by sharing the Gospel in a helpful and hopeful way. When our search team met with Eastern HIlls, we discovered their need for an Executive Director of Operations who would be responsible for the overall leadership and direction of the church administration, finance, and operations. That’s when we found Jonathan Lee to be the perfect fit for this role.
Jonathan Lee has strong experience in operations and management. With an equally strong call to ministry, Jonathan has made great efforts to serve many through his leadership. Jonathan is gifted in training others, strategizing and executing goals, and is passionate about the love of Christ and how it has impacted his life and family. We are confident that with Jonathan’s strengths and experience, he will lead Eastern Hills Bible Church in kingdom-building ways.
Jonathan and his family of 6 are excited to be actively involved in the greater Syracuse, New York community. The Lees love gathering and connecting with others and exploring new places together. The ministries at Eastern Hills Bible Church will benefit greatly as the family steps in to help further the mission of the church.
If your church is struggling to find the right person to support your mission, we are here to help you find the perfect match. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance in filling a role that aligns with your mission. Contact us today to get started.