PODCAST | Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast with Tom Nelson

By: Vanderbloemen
On this week's episode of the Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast, our VP of Business Development Holly Tate sits downs with Tom Nelson, President of Made To Flourish and Lead Senior Pastor at Christ Community Church in Kansas.
Holly and Tom discuss how to overcome burn-out, the changing culture of churches, and advice on how to connect with the members of your parish.
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About Tom Nelson
Tom Nelson earned a Masters of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Trinity International University. He is the author of Five Smooth Stones: Discovering the Path To Wholeness of Soul, Ekklesia: Rediscovering God’s Design for the Church, and Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work. Tom is the Lead Senior Pastor at Christ Community Church in Kansas and the President of Made To Flourish, a pastors’ network for the common good. He also serves on the boards of The Gospel Coalition and Trinity International University. Tom has two grown children and has been married to his wife Liz for over thirty years.
Website | Christ Community Church