[Podcast] What Should You Pay Your Pastor? Church Staff Compensation with Ben Homesley

By: Vanderbloemen
Paying your pastor and church staff is something that's hard to get right. It's hard to find enough data, the right data, and to interpret the data once you get it. When done correctly, effectively compensating your church staff team can be a key instrument of growth for your church and stewarding God's money well.
In today's episode of the Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast, Holly Tate talks with Ben Homesley, former COO here at Vanderbloemen Search Group.
- how to go about paying your pastor
- what team members to hire for greatest impact
- different types of compensation
- the Vanderbloemen process for compensation consultations
Ben Homesley
Guest Links: Ben Homesley
- Ben's Bio
Links Mentioned in this Episode
- Good to Great by Jim Collins
- Multipliers by Liz Wiseman
- Jawbone Up App
- Agar.io App
Quotes from Ben:
"If the position is worth paying for, it'll pay for itself within the first two years." [CLICK TO TWEET]
"Churches need to plan for emergent situations." [CLICK TO TWEET]
"You can't right things overnight. You have to make incremental change year over year." [CLICK TO TWEET]
"When it's time to pass the torch, pastors often can't. They hang on too long because they need that income." [CLICK TO TWEET]