How To Be More Productive And Set Better Goals with Christy Wright [Podcast]

By: Vanderbloemen
The Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast brings you interviews from leaders across the theological spectrum of the global Church. Our goal is to bring you thought-provoking interviews that encourage you, challenge you, and help you build, run, and keep great teams.
In today's episode of the Vanderbloemen Leadership Podcast, Holly talks with Christy Wright, Ramsey Personality, Certified Business Coach, and founder of Business Boutique for Women.
Christy Wright built her first business at age 23, and since then has developed a passion to help women bring their own God-given dreams to fruition. She is the founder of Business Boutique, which strives to walk women through the process of discovering and utilizing their unique gifts for the Kingdom.
As a Ramsey Personality and Certified Business Coach, Christy travels the country educating and entertaining people at national business conferences as well as Fortune 500 companies, and she has addressed students and faculty alike at some of the country’s top universities. She lives in Brentwood, Tennessee, with her husband and two sons.
Holly talks with Christy about:
- Trusting God with your past and current experiences
- How to become a leader through 'doing'
- Why leaders need to be setting goals
- Finding a healthy balance of goal-setting
- The two most important qualities in a goal
- How leaders can foster healthy goal-setting on their team
Guest Links: Christy Wright
Links Mentioned in this Episode
- Business Boutique: A Woman's Guide for Making Money Doing What She Loves by Christy Wright
- Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
- TED Talk: How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek
- The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future by Chris Guillebeau
- Boys Should Be Boys: 7 Secrets to Raising Healthy Sons by Meg Meeker
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